Murdered by climate change deniers

Two Dutch Arctic ice researchers, Marc Cornelissen and Philip de Roo, have disappeared and are presumed drowned. They were last heard from on Thursday, when Cornelissen, who is the founder of Cold Facts, jokingly left a voicemail on his organizations answering machine lamenting the fact that the unexpectedly warm weather where they were located (200 km south of Bathurst Island in the Canadian Arctic) had forced the pair to ski in their underwear.


Cornelissen and de Roo were on a months long mission planning to measure the thinning Arctic ice as part of the Last Ice Survey.

So, you may be wondering, how were the pair murdered by climate change deniers? Scientists, and I mean REAL scientists, not the Willie Soon crooked bunch of characters, are risking lives and limbs every day to not only try and figure out how all the known, and unknown, feedback loops interact and are impacted by climate change, but they are forced to defend their every move by buffoons such as Senator James Inhofe, et al, who lazily park their fat asses in their comfy office chairs, cashing in fossil fuel dollars, while shooting spit balls at the scientific community.


This obfuscation utterly squanders the efforts of scientists and researchers who must constantly work up against the walls erected around them by deniers instead of actually working towards reversing out of the planetary death spiral we are all on. Moreover, as scientists around the world go to extreme and heroic lengths to document and prove their point, the fossil fuel industry, aided and abetted by the US government and other western leaders, work around the clock to JUST MAKE IT WORSE by green lighting every lunatic idea (such as Shell trying to drill for oil again in the melting Arctic) the fossil fuel industry puts forth. It’s like the drunkest EVER bar patron asking to be hooked up to a never-ending supply of bourbon, and then, right before he’s going to pass out, handing him keys to a Ferrari (and expecting benign results).

Think about this for a moment: we KNOW what is causing the Earth to heat up to the point of inhabitability: burning fossil fuels. We know how to stop making it worse: stop burning fossil fuels. Are we going to end up in caves, living like the Flintstones when we stop burning fossil fuels? No, because we have 100% technologically advanced renewable energy sources ready to fill that gap. SO, where is the logjam preventing us from beginning to heal the horrific insults we have inflicted upon our planet? Climate deniers, who make the work of scientists all the more difficult and s-l-o-w down the demise of the fossil fuel industry.

Deniers, who keep the public thinking that there is still some sort of DOUBT about the validity of global warming (there is NOT) continue to pour money into the politicians and other sell-outs who keep the fossil fuel industry profitable. Ergo, climate change deniers and their ilk have viciously killed these young men. They are entirely responsible for their deaths. And you can bet that if they were charged with causing these deaths, and penalized in a real way (not the bogus monetary fines imposed on the biggest polluters), they’d think twice before building that next oil well. As Utah Phillips said:


And so, with that thought in mind, I ask you to submit the names of known (or even little known) climate change deniers and those responsible for heating up our precious planet. If they are not well known, I ask that you provide a link to something that reflects their stance on the climate science. I will add them to this post and hashtag it for easy retrieval, as they are ALL responsible for killing these two young men:

American Enterprise Institute, en masse
Eric Bolling, Fox News
Mo Brooks, R-Alabama
Jerry Brown, Governor of California
George W. Bush, former US President
Cato Institute, en masse 
Dick Cheney, former US Vice President
John Coleman, former weatherman
Russell Cook, blogger
Barry Cooper, random nut
Judith Curry, Georgia Tech
Donn Dears, Heartland Institute
James “Dingleballs” Delingpole, Breitbart
John Deutch, MIT professor and shill
Paul Driessen, Analyst, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Carly Fiorina, Presidential wanna be
Jonah Goldberg, scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Heritage Foundation, en masse
Jim Inhofe, Senator, Oklahoma
Sally Jewell, Secretary, US Department of the Interior
Charles Koch, Koch Industries
David Koch, Koch Industries
Thomas Massie, R-Kentucky
Mitch McConnell, Senator, Kentucky
Patrick Michaels, Cato Institute
Christopher Monckton, googly eyed buffoon
Ernest Moniz, Secretary, US Department of Energy
Kevin Mooney, reporter, The Daily Signal
Alan Moran, “Editor”
Marc Morano, head douchebag, Climate Depot
Lisa Murkowski, Senator from Alaska
Joanne Nova, Australian blogger
Barack Obama, US President
James Rust, Heartland Institute
Rick Scott, Governor of Florida
James Sensenbrenner, R-Wisconsin
Rand Simberg, nutcase with the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Fred Singer, Heartland Institute
Christopher Smith, Department of Energy
Lamar Smith, R-Texas
Willie Soon, fake scientist and paid shill
Mark Steyn, blogger and maggot
Rex Tillerson, CEO, ExxonMobil
Richard Tol, Sussex University
Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin and Koch fueled Presidential hopeful

To hear more about other hard working scientists doing research and measuring how climate change is impacting the Arctic, please listen to this BBC NewsHour clip (begin the clip at 14:37 for the story). Keep in mind that these people are doing their work in environments that can be colder than -21 degrees Celsius, they’re digging into the ice with shovels to attach monitors, diving UNDERNEATH an impenetrable celling of ice (that gives me nightmares), literally risking their lives to prove, re-prove, buttress THAT proof and continuously monitor and measure the damage being done to the environment:


  1. Presumably, those unfortunate dudes took every precaution imaginable and thanks to the thinning Arctic ice, they perished. If only I could substitute myself for them, as I am, indeed, a large part of the problem.


  2. Weird how you deniers are so incredibly quick to jump on a piece like this.
    Its almost like its your job or something.


    • Ikr? And the hundreds of them that keep commenting (and whose comments are “in moderation”) won’t stop badgering me to publish their comments. ALMOST LIKE they get paid when their crap goes online. Odd, huh?


  3. If everyone that understood Man made global change LIVED what they believed, the planet would be safe. Libs need to force the change on us, all of us need to live it, and believe it. We need to Live what you preach, and if 1/3rd of us do that… i think you will have achieved your goal


  4. I only wish that I could take their place. I’m a loser and a polluter and I take money from the fossil fuel industry. I’m part of the problem, Schatzie’s Earth Project…don’t think I can’t see it. But I have only got a high school education and oil companies pay enough.


    • I harbor such HATRED towards these climate change deniers. It probably cannot be doing me any good, but I can’t help it.


  5. Global warming has already radically altered the climate here in Chicago. My plants have all been killed.


  6. The death of these two Dutch scientists has really bothered me. I’m sorry for their untimely deaths.


  7. Thank you, Schatzie’s Earth Project. The loss of these two scientists is indeed tragic.


  8. I should be on the list Schatzie….as a dumb, reactionary, fat ,ugly, filthy rich, cigar huffing, misogynist, capitalist pig.

    Kind regards


  9. Michael Mann, James Hansen, Phil Jones, etc. assert that the Earth’s climate would be stable absent anthropogenic CO2.


  10. These AGW faithful sacrifice themselves. It’s time to hold AGW skeptics responsible for the deaths of these two.


  11. This is seriously the smartest thing I’ve ever read. I knew Warmists were smart,but this takes the prize. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a Problem. Schatzie, I’m ready to let go of the hate.


  12. The manmade warming in the Arctic has come from the warming. These two tried to get the truth out about the greatest threat in history: “climate change”. I know this because we were doing research on polar bears and were warned by the Inuit about this specific problem.


  13. The nearest weather stations to where these guys are (were?) are showing temperatures of 10C


  14. The scientific data proves that humans have an impact on the climate. The volcanic eruptions of Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Pinatubo lowered global temperatures by 1 degree Fahrenheit for an entire year each time. They also spewed millions of tons of sulfur dioxide and other particles into the air that the AGW are classified as “GHG”.


  15. Here I am Schatzie. Come and get me. I’m a hunter and you won’t survive the stench of my house if you attempt to enter my premises. Of this you should be certain.


  16. I take oil or coal money, because I’m pathetic rather than reading any papers that counter my claim that we don’t know what is causing warming. Historically CO2 drives climate and lets be honest here, 2015 was the year that arctic ice was supposed to melted completely in the summer months.

    Skiing naked suggests that it is technically pretty warm.

    p.s. Yes, I do have a car, therefore I am under the thumb of the oil industry. Guilty as charged.


  17. The article seems to have been written by a scholar, and a very clever one at that, assertions backed by known FACTS. do become true. I do NOT believe that they went skiing in their underwear because it was so unexpectedly warm on Baffin Island. It was warm enough for them to ski in their underwear? And quoting the BBC does back any assertions about climate. The BBC is well known for reporting about climate change.


  18. Where is my single brain cell that works?

    I’m a big boy and can take care of myself. I want to keep local habitat clean and pretty, then yes, I am an annoying pimple on the earth’s ass.


  19. Let’s play a game called “Barry does science and other stuff”.

    Do I know that CO2 accounts for most of global heat retention? Do I?

    Do I know that CO2 has heated up planet? Do I?

    Do I know that Marc Morano has an eating disorder AND bad hair? I do.

    Do I pretend like I know science and other stuff when I don’t? I do.


  20. How do I get added to the list? I’m a murderous denier BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!! Oh, by the way, my 1998 Ford Expedition gets 9 MPG and has an oil leak. Does that help?


    • I’m also a murderous denier and continue to drive my 1973 E-300 one ton 4X4 van that only gets 6 mpg. I’ve owned it for 30 years and since it is registered as a Classic Vehicle, not only do I get the best insurance discount, it is exempt from any smog device.


  21. I think the manmade global warming theory is absolutely correct. Lots of evidence. If the fat old beardie wants my address it is: 15 Yr Ogof, Kingsland, Holyhead, Wales, UK.

    However, don’t turn up tomorrow. The dogs are shagging me all over the lawn again.


  22. Schatzie – I need help – I wouldn’t know what science is if it bit me on my bum. SHAME!!!


  23. You people are nuts. There is not only plenty to doubt but irrefutable that the science and alleged consensus are cooked. The 97% number comes from a survey sent to 12,000 people, which was pared down finally to, if memory serves, 45 out of 47.

    It would be far more accurate to say the warmists cult killed them. We have very reliable satellite images of polar ice extent, and the maximum ice extent has been INCREASING the past 3-4 winters, on both poles. These people were likely there to try and salvage some credibility for the falsified–plainly wrong–climate models.


  24. The posting asserting that climate researchers whose scientific researches do not agree with the author of the posting are “murderers” is an instance of hate speech that is unlawful under the Threatening Communications Act in Scotland. Internet search engines and service providers will be asked to block this untruthful, ill-informed and malicious posting under EU and Scots law. The perpetrator, if visiting Scotland, may face arrest and trial.

    The originator of the above posting would do better to read Lord Monckton’s paper in the Science Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for January 2015 (go to, click on Most Read Articles and the paper is the all-time no. 1). A little thought is preferable to much hate speech. – James Rowlatt, Clerk to Lord Monckton


    • I’m not reading anything Marty Feldman, I mean Monckton wrote. I’ve already seen too much of his drivel. So, James Rowlatt (or whoever the hell you are. You’re probably Monckton, actually), you’re a sell out murderer as well, most likely. I couldn’t even give the slightest, tiniest shit what Monckton thinks. He’s garbage. His opinion means less to me than what Charles Manson thinks. Both murderers. Go to hell.


      • James, you can’t explain the axiomatic truth to brain dead deniers.

        We are wasting our time attempting to convince deniers that they reject the facts of real nature – that humans are their own worst enemy and thus enemies of all humanity.

        History has proven time and again two things:

        1) No one can convert analphabetic anthropomorphic simians into rational beings……and;

        2) Analphabetic pernicious deniers will repeat the same mistakes and for the same reasons with the same outcome….the demise of everyone….after all, AGW denial is a pernicious mental disorder characterized by delusional conclusions.


    • That would be the January 2015 paper that was debunked in the same journal less than 5 months later. Details here:

      The supposed clerk to Mr Monckton also refers to the “Threatening Communications Act”. I am sure the clerk, in his threat to commence legal proceedings, can refer to the exact legislation he refers to. I know of no “Threatening Communications Act” enacted in Scotland, but I do know a “Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012”. If the clerk and his dear boss Monckton believe this Act applies to this case, they are even stupider than the 2015 publication in Science Bulleting shows they already are.


      • Oh, and might I add that if Mr. Monckton objects to being called a murderer and claims this is unlawful behavior, perhaps we should collect the number of times that Monckton has compared people to nazis? If “murderer” is so criminally offensive, I am sure a judge will agree that “nazi” is equally if not more offensive.


        • Classic “dish it out/can’t take it” behavior. I actually find him (Monckton) a sad sort of caricature of someone who just wants to get noticed…to feel somehow “important,” except that people occasionally do use him (and his bogus title) to buttress a dangerous case which has no merit. THAT is when he crosses the line from mere buffoon to dangerous buffoon. Thanks, Marco!


  25. The earth IS flat Schatzie, and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise. You stick with the ‘concensus’, it’s safer that way. If you try to think for yourself you could get it wrong and end up facing personal attacks and maybe persecution.


  26. The apocalyptic warming is the direct cause of their deaths. And I am in dire need of psychiatric counseling.


  27. I nominate myself because I am a top-cited scientist among the deniers, and I’m desperate for attention. By anyone. Or anything.


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